I’ve finally achieved end-to-end control of the Mecanumbot’s LEDs! The latest hurdle which prevented me from writing the LED code was a RAM limitation on the microcontroller side. The solution involved swapping over from an Arduino Duemilanove with 1KB of RAM to a Seeeduino Mega with 8KB of RAM. The increased RAM also opens the door for me to code up the Mecanumbot low-level telemetry including items like bus voltage and bus current.…
Month: April 2013
3D-Printed iPhone 5 Car Mount
We got a new MakerBot Replicator 2 at work this month. I had been meaning to print an iPhone 5 mounting adapter for my car, so I thought I’d try to print that using the new printer! The goal of the mount was to fit onto a car mount that I had bought for my iPhone 3GS back in the day. The suction cup and stand part of the mount…